If you are interested in how people change and grow over time, consider studying human development. Our multidisciplinary program will give you an understanding of individual development across people’s life span within the context of diverse families and communities.
Social justice statement
Academic programs
Learn about human development and family relations across the life span, as well as the interaction of individuals and families within the community environment.
Career opportunities
A degree in human development qualifies you to work in a variety of education and social service settings with people of all ages. You might work for Head Start, a public school, a residential treatment center, a family service program, juvenile corrections, a youth center, or a community-based program for the elderly.
“My name is Jeffrey Reams and I have my bachelor’s degree in human development with a minor in psychology as well as a certificate in human services case management and administration from WSU Vancouver. My experience with the HD program at WSU Vancouver was nothing less than fantastic and it prepared me for a career that is extremely rewarding. I did my HD internship at the Clark County Juvenile Court and I was offered a full-time position with the court before I even graduated. I am still gratefully employed at CCJC and am now looking into graduate programs at WSU Vancouver.”
— Jeffrey Reams, Juvenile Recovery Court Navigator, Clark County Juvenile Court—Child and Youth Development
Contact us
For more information, email us or call 360-546-9721.